Monday 11 July 2016

Why don't you do what you want to do ?

The more you love your decisions the less you need others to love them. Well very rightly said it is !!
As we grow up and become capable of making our own choices what influences most the step we take is how our decision will be critically viewed by society , our peers and our mates etc..This actually ,sometimes prompts us to choose a path that we actually never wanted , a path that we never wanted to traverse on ,following something not of our interest . Mind it , when you forcefully follow something , just motivated by what other's said , you will not only be deprived of personal satisfaction and happiness but also a deep seated regret that you couldn't do what you actually wanted. See , at the end of the day what matters is how much contended you are with what you have , not what other's will think if I do this or do that.  These ' other's ' won't comfort you in your dark times. You are solely responsible for whatever you do , what path you take ,because your decisions will affect you ....not others and a single decision can always have far reaching consequences which you couldn't even think of !!..The difference between who you want to be and what you actually are is WHAT YOU DID !!..Follow your interests , your passions , what you actually want without any external interference because at the end of the day whatever the outcome is ..good or bad, fruitful or not !!..their won't be anyone to blame ..only you !!..Mind it , here I don't endorse anywhere that you don't take advice from others , surely consult whom you think will give you the best advice , not many because whole world out awaits to misguide you , very rarely someone will show you the correct track !!.. Analyse what they say and make a bold decision without giving it a thought how will others perceive your decision. See the truth is , only once you get a chance follow yourself . Never go out in search of a popular personality and duplicate it . Be yourself . You are unique and so what you will do . In the end !!..DO YOUR THING !!..DO IT UNAPOLOGETICALLY !!..DON'T BE DISCOURAGED BY CRITICISMS ..PAY NO MIND TO WHAT THEY SAY !!..TAKE OWNERSHIP , TAKE CHANCES AND HAVE FUN !!..No matter what NEVER STOP DOING YOUR THING !!..

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