Thursday 14 July 2016

Ever emphasized on self introspection ?

Today YOU are YOU !!.. This is TRUER than TRUE that there is no-one alive who is YOUER than YOU !!

 Self Introspection is a careful examination of one's own  feelings .This is a self reflection without taking into consideration any external observation. It is basically  an inward focusing on mental experiences, such as sensations or feelings. - a  conscious mental and purposive process relaying on thinking, reasoning, and examination of ones own thoughts and perceptions.

Now a question that well arises is why do we need to introspect ourselves !!..

Self introspection helps us to notice  the negative patterns arising in our life.We are able to analyse our weaknesses and act accordingly to work upon them. We are able to analyse the reasons for our frustrations , failures and inconsistencies , which cause detrimental effects on aur emotions and outlook , but we are able to find alternate approaches and migrate overcoming all sorts of stress. 

It keeps us focussed on bigger picture that we have for our life .When we don't have an overall goal in mind, our steps to pursue our goals  become meaningless and increasingly annoying . Therefore, it's important to have a clear picture  of where you want to see yourself in the future.Self introspection generates positive attitude for our future obligations.

It restrains us from worrying about things that we don't have control over .It's difficult to realize the fact that we don't always have total control of the result that we expect , and sometimes, we have no choice but to adapt to unfavorable conditions.Introspection allows us to eventually deatch from these aspects over which we have no control , and instead, direct our energy toward things we can absolutely improve on ourselves.

It helps us to define happiness for ourselves .When are you most happy? Who do you most enjoy spending time with? What accomplishments are you most proud of and why?
These questions may seem cliche,but they hold a lot of value. By recognizing the positivities in your life, you can apply your mind on future goals and endeavors and perspectives.
Last but not the least and in fact the most important it allows us to make decisions based on our conscience . When it comes to making significant life decisions, the important people in your life will naturally have opinions and may be you are bound to follow them . However, introspection helps you make decisions based on fully understanding what is right or wrong for you.Make choices based on what you truly believe, without letting other people’s input sway you in your decisions . While it's okay to ask for others' advice and feedback, ultimately, trust your gut — it won't fail you.
So, out of your busy routine do try to take out few minutes to introspect yourself !!....

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